Thursday, March 7, 2013

Feast or Famine?

I was thinking the other day.  A dangerous pastime, I know.  I have come to realize that we are a family of bingers.  I'm not sure that is a word, but it suits us.  When we find a new show, activity, food, song, etc that we like we relish it.  We submerge ourselves in it.  It is an all encompassing past time, until, suddenly it isn't.  Homeschooling allows us to indulge in this submersion.  Let me give an example.  The other week we were learning about ancient Egypt with Clownfish.  I found a printable sarcophagus that I thought he would enjoy coloring while I finished Mummies in the Morning.  He did.  In fact, he enjoyed it so much he asked me to print out more Egyptian coloring pages for him to work on as we continued reading, which I did.  That day was followed by the next in which his sisters caught the coloring bug.  We are currently learning about China with them, so I printed several Chinese coloring pages.  They could not get enough.  The whole next week they sat and colored while I read our school books.  Then they cut out the images and made up elaborate games using them.  They would actually beg for school, just so they could color.  Clownfish would take sheets into his room at night where he would sit and color.  This lasted for almost 2 weeks.  And then suddenly, it was done.  At one time, Mandarinfish was enthralled with ancient Greece.  She read everything she could get her hands on about all of the gods and goddesses.  She made up games involving them.  She would look at ancient Greek and try to translate her name or other words into it.  This lasted almost a year.  And then it was over.  Although you can still ask her about almost any god or goddess or story relating to them and she can tell you who they are.  My knowledge is pretty much restricted to Zeus.  I find it very interesting to watch as they immerse themselves in different things.  I find myself doing the same thing.  Something will spark my interest and it is all I will do (sewing) until something else comes along.   Unfortunately, I have never felt the need to immerse myself in cleaning.  Or working out. 

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